Evaluation of shortness of breath/chest pain/wheeze/cough
Evaluation of these symptoms begins with the history and physical. This includes the onset of shortness of breath, precipitating factors, progression, etc. Physical exam follows and then recommendations if necessary for further diagnostic testing or therapy. What is very important as well is any response to therapy had in the past.

Evaluation of an abnormal x-ray
X-ray abnormalities are very common, some are serious some are not. Sometimes abnormalities are found by accident such as a routine chest x-ray for surgery or a cardiac CT scan chest. Common abnormalities that are often identified include nodules, masses, scar tissue, fluid etc. All of these need appropriate evaluation and are very dependent upon the specific signs, symptoms and other data of your particular case.

Abnormal Sleep
One of the most common problems seen in clinical practice today has obstructive sleep apnea. This has a host of different symptoms associated with this disorder to include sleepiness, fatigue, poor memory, shortness of breath, waking up to urinate, etc. This disorder has significant implications on her general well-being but also on the potential of causing cardiovascular complications. This disorder does require a sleep study for appropriate diagnosis. I have been involved with sleep apnea patient's for over 20 years and have established a good rapport with local sleep labs which will help in the making of the diagnosis and also the therapy.

A bronchoscope test is sometimes required to look at the patient's airway. This is done typically as an outpatient in a day surgery type environment. Routinely I utilize anesthesia for comfort and safety of my patients. For further information on bronchoscopies please visit this site from Webb M.D. http://www.webmd.com/lung/bronchosc
Other Services
The above 3 general categories compromise the vast majority of patients who come to a pulmonary physician. Other conditions that require further evaluation and at times testing includes pleural effusion. This condition occurs one excess amount of fluid developed between the lungs and the chest wall. When the fluid needs to be analyzed patient's most undergo a thoracentesis. For further information please visit Web M.D. at the following Link: http://www.webmd.com/lung/thoracentesis-procedure#1. Other patients present with an abnormal lung function study that needs further evaluation. At times patients may cough up blood. In summary, a pulmonary physician is involved with evaluating any and all symptoms that emanate from the lungs.

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